Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I once met a young pastor from Northern Thailand. The village he grew up in had many elephants and catered to the tourist industry. One time I asked him what they did when and elephant died in his village and he said, “We eat it”. I of cause asked how do you eat and elephant and he answered. “Oh! We invite a lot of people”.

It appears no job is too big when enough people are working together to achieve the same objective.

The challenge to raise the necessary funds to maintain Heartland International’s Australian office and our works in Cambodia and Thailand has always rested squarely upon my shoulders. We have always had just enough and Gail and I will be forever grateful for the prayers and financial support of those who believe in the call of God on our lives.

Recently it occurred to me that instead of trying to eat the entire elephant on my own I should invite a lot of friends. So consider yourself invited. I am looking for 25 friends that will take up the challenge of running a fundraising event for Heartland International. It could be a garage sale, b.b.q, morning tea or movie night to name just a few. The possibilities are endless, get creative. The only thing I ask is that your events upholds Heartland’s Christian values.

Check out our website for information that may be useful for you to run a successful event.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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