Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Throughout my whole life, I don't believe I've ever witnessed a miraculous healing - until I went to Thailand. In December 2011, I found myself with an amazing group from Worship Centre (24 Life Young Adults) on a mission to witness to the beautiful people of Cambodia and Thailand. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was the youngest of the group and was far less experienced in ministry than my new friends. How could God work through me?

While up in the mountains of Northern Thailand near the Burma border, we visited a tribal village that we were hoping to witness to. It was late afternoon and the children of Jaba village were already stuck to us like glue, laughing while we played a whole bunch of games with them. Slowly, this attracted a lot of the mothers and intrigued village folk. At sunset we began to sing some songs with the people and soon, the team leader Kevin Barden was speaking of the love and atonement of Jesus Christ. With words of knowledge, the group called up members of the tribe, praying for all sorts of healing and restoration.

Person after person began lining up, these people who had no previous knowledge of Christ or Christianity for that matter. And one after another, I saw every one who had taken a step of faith, be healed. Then one of the boys from he team, asked me to pray for a lady's ankle, while he prayed for her leg. Both were in pain. I started to doubt whether I could heal an injury all by myself, then remembered that it's Christ who heals, not me- I'm simply His vessel. Communication with the lady took a while, after all, we were having to conquer three language barriers. English to Thai, Thai to Lahu and back again. She remarked that her knee had felt better but said it wasn't completely healed. We prayed again but I worried that nothing of consequence had happened with her ankle. After praying for the lady's knee again I asked her about the ankle. My translator told me, "Oh yes, that was healed before," as if she was like "Yes yes, we've done that, let's move on." But I was just stunned that God worked through my simple prayer and changed this woman's life. The best part was after she was healed, she told us, "I feel like something warm has dropped into my heart." Not only does God meet our physical need, but He took this woman and transformed her from the inside out.


Passport 2 Missions said...

No matter how many times I read this it brings a tear to my eye and warmth to my heart.

Passport 2 Missions said...

No matter how many times I read this it brings a tear to my eye and warmth to my heart.